三个月前,我发表了我的年度预测,尽管我很少在年中重新审视它们,但我确实想注意到与3号预测有关的有趣发展,该书说:“ 2025不会是AI代理人脱发的那一年。”
“As the bloom came off the Generative AI rose in 2024, everyone started talking about AI agents as the Next Big Thing. Google, Apple, OpenAI, Microsoft, Meta, Amazon — all of them (and about a million startups) are trying to build user agents for both enterprise and consumer use cases. I'm a huge fan of the concept , but for now, it remains just that. Reasoning agents that book your travel, negotiate your insurance bills, or manage your calendar如果他们对当前驾驶大型技术的同一业务模型看不到,那么就不会有效。
确实,有很多话要说。我为如何掩盖这一点而苦苦挣扎,而又不会陷入新兴行业的混乱细节,并且在大多数情况下,我一直保持沉默。但是,信息中的这件作品 – 拟人化的武器不太秘密,它促进了代理商 – 促使我清除我的喉咙。
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